Wednesday, 24 August 2011

The Hills Are Alive...With The Sound Of Spewing

As promised, here's a mega-update to bring you up to speed with my half-marathon training.  It's been eventful.

My run in numbers:
Miles - 10
Time - 87:24 mins
Flies ingested - 3
Side of the road landfill site induced vomit sessions - 2

Crossing the tracks at Polmont

Crossing the Viaduct/Aquaduct?

The view from the top

Even at 8pm the sun was blazing

A combination of the run, the heat, taking in too much water and the putrid stench of the baking landfill site almost brought me to my knees.  I had to bring up my pre-run snack at the side of the road.  I wasn't finished.  About a minute later I said hello to my lunch.

This was the big one, a 7 mile trek from Linlithgow to the top of Cockleroy, the tallest peak in Beecraigs Country Park.  I made it up to Polmont station to catch an early, early train to Linlithgow.  I had arranged to meet Ross Nisbet on the train but he wasn't there.  I noticed his face peaking through the door between carriages and went through to see what the matter was.  His train pass had expired and the conductor was closing in fast.  To cut an enthralling story short he had to hide in the toilets until we got to Linlithgow.

Not having a penny between us we decided not to run the risk of a date with the transport police on the train back.  Instead of a murderous 3.5 mile uphill run to the top we just ran back the 9km to Polmont, along the Union Canal.  It was a blessing in disguise as the run was hard going.  We had to stop a few times but it was great to chew the fat .  Nizzy had to run from Polmont back into Falkirk so I ran part of the way to top the run up to 8.23 miles.  Over 18 miles ran this week - check me out.

After the heroics ofthe week before I really let myself down.  It took me over a week to get back out for a run.  I did a quick 4 miles to ease myself back into things.  I decided to run with Serena Williams.  I have her Nike+ training playlist.  She tells you when to take it easy and when to step the pace up.  The music however is really dreadful - Maroon 5, Black Eyed Peas and a Fergie solo track, The Pussycat Dolls and a Nicole Sherthingy solo track.  Perhaps it was the awful music but by the time the 3rd speed session came around I really, really hated Serena Williams and her smug voice.  I suppose she was being 'motivational' but hearing her mock me while the Black Eyed Peas are twating on about their humps ain't my thing.

A good idea in theory ruined by a selection of tracks my 4 year old would probably come up with.

That's me off to bed, I'll finish my catch up tomorrow. 

Night night

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